Sunday, May 15, 2016

Birthday Flowers Journal Page

These are the beautiful roses that my sister sent me for my birthday this year - such beautiful colors. I knew that I had to paint them!

So, I made the background (paints, stencils, stamps, stays-on ink, collage papers and white acrylic ink that I use in a mini mister), and started to collage the flowers with the idea to paint over them but have the papers still show through.

That did not go according to plan. It just didn't look right - no pics for that because I was frustrated and didn't think to take them then.

So, after letting it sit for a couple of days... yes, DAYS! I was going to quit but kept going. I covered that mess up with molding paste mixed with paint for texture. 

I added the leaves with good old tissue paper. I added detail with markers, rub-ons and painted in the stems:

Lots of texture - I'm glad that I kept going and didn't quit. I still don't know if it's done but I'm happy with it:

Monday, April 11, 2016

Went to Diana Trout's Studio!

 On Saturday, I had a great art adventure with my friend, Jill. We took an all day watercolor flower class from the talented, Diana Trout, at her studio!  I had  a lot of fun and learned some great techniques that I'm sure I will use again and again.  Diana supplied everything - including lunch! We had a really nice group that shared their talents and questions. Jill and I went to eat at a local tavern afterwards and it was nice to catch up with her. It was an unforgettable day - including the snow that fell all day... in the second week of April!

Thanks, Diana!
Check out her blog:

                                   I'm new to watercolors and will need to practice.

                                               Some techniques that I learned.

                                  I like how this turned out!

                    Still need to add pen to this one and background 

                                                  Fun at our table!


Sunday, March 6, 2016

Large Canvas

A new larger canvas that I just started. I'm curious to know where this is headed.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

work in progress

This is a 6x6 mixed media collage. I don't know where this is going. I tried a stencil but didn't really like it. I think this one will sit awhile until I can think of something  - it needs words...and more.

Enjoy The Journey

6x6 mixed media canvas

Monday, February 15, 2016

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Art Journal

Happy Valentine's Day!

 I am art journaling today and having fun. Thought I would paint myself some flowers: